Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Recent DDR Revelation....

I often use implements to enhance DDR's fitness effectiveness. Here are some of the things that I use:
* A snorkel - the decrease availability of oxygen really accelerates fat burn
* Weighted vest - I use about 20lbs
* Kettlebells - I alternate DDR and kettlebells in a way similar to High Octane Cardio.

I posted the following question about calorie burn: Who, all things being equal, will burn more calories.
* A 195lb man playing DDR, or
* A 175lb man playing DDR with a 20lb weighted vest.

The people who have ever used a vest for anything said "weighted vest". The people who never used a weight vest said "the work is the same". Of course the weighted vest is going to burn way more calories. The reason is simple, it is A LOT harder for a 175lb person to support 20lbs of extra weight than it is for a 195lb person to support himself. Don't believe me, find a 175lb and 195lb person in similar condition. Give the 175lb person a weighted vest, and have both walk about a mile at the same speed. There is no question at all of who is going to have a harder time with this.

There are two major reasons for the differential:
* External Work: The difference between external work. The 175lb person is doing a lot more external/mechanical work than the 195lb person because that person is lifting something.

* Relative Intensity: People who psuedo-understand physical seem to think that they efficiency of a machine, human or otherwise, is independent of the intensity. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Look at a car. You fuel efficiency goes waaaaaaaaaay down at higher revs. Very much the same with the human body. This is why we have things like Tabata and interval training. Tabata is very intense, and the heart rates goes up much faster than the the relative power output. Intensity matters. The 175lb is working with A LOT more intensity.

Now there will be a point where if you add too much weight, the person would not be able to play or even move. When adding weight, you want to think "weighted bat" (i.e., you can move almost as fast, but it is harder) and not "Prowler" (where you are moving much slower then running).

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